The average house price on ELM CLOSE is £380,914
The most expensive house in the street is 4 ELM CLOSE with an estimated value of £426,794
The cheapest house in the street is 7 ELM CLOSE with an estimated value of £350,269
The house which was most recently sold was 3 ELM CLOSE, this sold on 4 Feb 2022 for £332,000
The postcode for ELM CLOSE is SK12 1QH
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 ELM CLOSE Semi-Detached £412,679 £87,000 29 May 1998
3 ELM CLOSE Semi-Detached £350,744 £332,000 4 Feb 2022
4 ELM CLOSE Semi-Detached £426,794 £75,500 10 May 1996
7 ELM CLOSE Semi-Detached £350,269 £215,000 27 Jun 2008
10 ELM CLOSE Semi-Detached £364,084 £67,000 4 Dec 1996